
Harsha K N

Welcome to my site.

I was born in Bangalore, and my primary education, high school and diploma education was split between Krishnarajanagar (in Mysore) and Bangalore and engineering in KSIT, Bangalore (Telecommunitation Engineering)

I got my Masters Degree in Information and Communication engineering from Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany

Currently I live in Bangalore. On this site I post about the things I love working on, like solve problems using machine learning/computer vision, digital painting, ukulele learning journey and more.

Tools for Painting
  • Posterise Image
    tool that helps to simplify value and color study in painting
  • Image Quantiser
    tool that helps to simplify value and color study in painting
Image processing
Machine Learning
Computer Vision
Statistical Consequences of Fat Tails
  • Maximum-to-Sum plot
    MS plot from the book Statistical Consequences of Fat Tails by nntaleb
  • Nifty 50 Analysis
    Nifty 50 analysis based on the book Statistical Consequences of Fat Tails by nntaleb